Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Music

I just have to make a comment about how
much I love Christmas music. One of our
local radio stations started playing it the
first week of November. I was really
excited to find it on the radio last week!
It makes long days at work and doing
laundry seem not so long and mundane!
It reminds me of Great Christmas mornings,
SNOW! and family. I put it on last week in one
of my buildings and the nurse in the office with
me was commenting how crazy it was that people
were already playing Christmas music. It was her
radio, so after she left the room about an hour later
I changed it back to her favorite Country station.
When she came back in, she had a fit at me for
taking it off the Christmas music. She said it was
growing on her and had put her in a better mood!
Needless to say we spent the remainder of the day
Singing (very loudly and not always well) Christmas
favorites. It made a day of charting much more


Texas Birds said...

I totally agree! I love Christmas music because it helps me think about my Savior. I know that the world has different intentions when they play Christmas music early but I think it's fabulous. I love Christmas- so I say play on!

The Birds said...

I LOVE Christmas music too!!! You have some GREAT ones on your blog! I have been thinking I wanted to change mine to all Christmas too, but have been holding off until Thanksgiving! I really LOVE Thanksgiving and want to pay it it's proper respects! And, Light FM100 and Kozy started playing them the day after Halloween! As crazy as it is, I do like it!

Christie said...

I agree Krish, I got my Christmas all up, trees, lights everything. The radio in my car is on FM100 and I'm ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!! I love this time of year!!! Besides there are some great songs, I want to listen to longer than 25 days!!!

The Birds said...

Hey, I've spent way too many hours searching through Christmas music on playlist, but found some good ones. You should go to my blog and check them out! I think there are some you'd like too.

About Me

Spring Lake, North Carolina, United States
Dave and I have been married 12 years and have 3 amazing kids. I am the Dietitian for Highsmith-Rainey LTAC and David is a Navigator for the Air Force! We love being in North Carolina! Our three Children, Chloe, Jaxon, and Jaden are the highlight of our lives!