Monday, March 8, 2010


I have never been very politically active.
I do my civic duty and vote, but other than
that I usually keep my political views to
myself. I guess I just never saw the need
to be voicing an opinion and/or picketing.
However, this last weekend my dear friend
Casey posted about an episode of Glenn
Beck on Fox News. I have to admit I've only
seen Glenn Beck once in my lifetime. I'd heard
from others that he was fabulous, but had never
taken the time to check out his newscast. I
watched the suggested episode via webcast on
Sat afternoon. I fell in Love with Glenn Beck and his
view on our Country and it's current state. It stirred
up some political feelings I didn't know I had!! I have
seen 1st hand the "political brainwashing" that our
children are being subjected to. It may not be so
prevelant in Utah where the majority of the
State still remains strongly conservative Republican,
but out here my kids are coming home asking why
I didn't vote for Pres. Obama- explaining that he is just
trying to help our country....Man I should have
flipped out!!!! When Chloe asked the question about
the President, it was a great opportunity for us to have
a discussion about my personal political views. However,
I am feeling a need to have family home evenings
dedicated to The beliefs of our Founding Father's and
what it I feel it means to be an American. For now, I will be
better about standing up for what I believe in! I have strong
feelings about Health Care reform, Education, the environment
and Families!! I need to be better informed and more active in
expressing my educated opinions!
Thanks Casey for reminding me that we can't leave
the fate of our Country in the hands of everyone else!
If you didn't see Friday nights Glenn Beck, go check it out
@ and as Casy suggested- make your
kids watch it too!!


Chelsie said...

I agree with you! I have witnessed my older son's brainwashing as well and it made me realize that if I am going to allow him to attend public school, I am going to have to have some family home evenings, too. Casey seems to be so good at teaching her children, doesn't she? It has made me more aware.

The other day while driving, we passed a factory out in a fiel and a huge smokestack spit out fumes into the sky.

My oldest informed me that bad people were "littering in the sky."

Man that made me mad.

Don't his teachers (who are payed by the government) realize that without the hard work and expertise of these men-- without their profits which are taxed exorbitantly, they wouldn't have a paycheck???

Honestly. I felt sick as I unbrainwashed him.

Explaining that the pillar of smoke stood for someone who was working for everything that they had. And I didn't want to hear him criticize it ever again.

What else have they taught him? How can I know unless it comes up in our conversation?

Oh, and also, I was brought up in Utah and I have had to "debrainwash" myself over the years!

I wish I could say that my teachers had dared stand up for their beliefs. But most of them seemed scared that they would be called biased! So they seemed to go the other extreme, as though to say, "see how open minded I am? See how I teach the other side? You can't call ME a brainwasher!"

But the result was a LOT of liberal ideas in my head.

In all of the students heads.

Sorry Krisha, this has been on my mind lately.

Are you going to block my comments from now on?;).

Jon and Ashley said...

Jon and I are both in love with Glen Beck. We watch him every day. Fridays show was incredible. I wish they would show that in the schools.

Casey said...

Krisha, I'm so glad you liked him. He is awesome. I record every episode. You shoul look for his documentary. It's called "The Revolutionary Holocaust, Live free.... or die". It was on in January and sooo great. I feel like I am learning so much about history. And I love that right now Alexa is learning about communism, WW1 & WW2 and I can share with her all the stuff I've been relearning. I constantly ask her what her teacher said about this and that. I have to be careful that I'm not going to drive her crazy.

Glad to see you are jumping on the bandwagon. I have always thought, the problem is that these progressvives that are fighting for all this nonsense don't have anything better to do. And parents like you and me haven't had the time to fight back because we are trying are darndest to raise our kids to be good people. Unfortunately now we have to do both. It's time consuming but worth it.

Chelsie, I LOVED your response about the "littering in the sky" thing. You are a great mom to recognize and take the time to say those things. It is all about the conversations we have with our kids. Our dinner table discussions are all about correcting what's been taught in the classroom. I just wish I could be there and know everything that's being said. Wait until you have to deal with "Family Life" curriculum. We are dealing with that this week. Sometimes I wonder why my kids are in goverment, I mean Public schools. Thanks for the lengthy discussion ladies. I love when people get involved. I don't feel like the only crazy out there. Thanks!

About Me

Spring Lake, North Carolina, United States
Dave and I have been married 12 years and have 3 amazing kids. I am the Dietitian for Highsmith-Rainey LTAC and David is a Navigator for the Air Force! We love being in North Carolina! Our three Children, Chloe, Jaxon, and Jaden are the highlight of our lives!